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Become an AFFILIATE and earn money!


There are plenty of creative ways to be an affiliate of He's Coming Productions.  Depending on your goals, ability, and drive, you can make a little extra cash every week or make a living.  All while you help us get out there and change someone's world.  Check out the different ways to become an affiliate and how they work below.


We're reformating this offer.  Stay tuned.


As a mover, you don't give... you invest $20 and let it grow.  But if you get someone else to become a PLANET SHAKER, you make 2%.  The investment matures in 1 year from the date.  In 1 year, you are guaranteed a return of $260.  But if you have lines under you, you can be guaranteed up to $26,000... depending on how many recruits you have.  Moreover, if the company is moderately successful, then it is likely you will receive more than the guarantee.


As an example:  You put in $20, and have 10 recruites who each have 10 recruits down 5 levels, and then also the company experiences moderate success of a $24-Mil profit, then you get $24,000 + $12,000.

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