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Rahab: My Story -- book by Sandy Saia Lombardo
Kan Fui Adventures - experimental short

       This is a book trailer recently created for the book: Rahab: My Story -- by Sandy Saia Lombardo.  Below are more trailers.  If you need a trailer for your book, script, or a full blown film or music video, just let me know.  Rates you wouldn't believe without diminishing quality.

       This is a short film about a "Kan-Fui" master and his family who adopts a disciple from the streets of the market.  He trains him and takes him in as his own, but is betrayed.  How will they all interact. -- This is a comedic, faith-based, no-budget film challenge in that there was no script, no definite plot, and only 30 mins to work with.  It is an over-dubbed project whose clips were later edited and given a script and plot after the fact.

Curse of the Weed Eater -- Scene: The Return
Colgate Spanish Commercial through Poptent
Commercials - Ads - Trailers
Teaching - Message Videos

Need a commercial made?  Give me a shout and we'll work it out! Commercials for any reputable business, entity, or personal stuff.

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